Staying Cool in the Heat

Santosha is a practice that means mental contentment. It refers to acceptance of things as they are instead of constantly wanting something to be a different way. Sometimes this is truly a tough lesson to learn. This practice is one of the Niyamas, internal guidelines or practices to live well, listed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. 1500 years ago, someone cared enough about peace of mind to write it down as a practice to be cultivated daily. I appreciate this idea because it brings home the fact that feeling content is a thing we can grow within ourselves. It doesn’t just automatically happen. Maybe sometimes it does, and that is awesome, but much of the time I have to remind myself, “Everything I need is right here, right now.” We feel discontent when our ideas about what make us happy are different from reality. Yoga teaches us that living in the present moment is the way to peace of mind. Not worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, but right here, right now.   

This summer I have been trying to live in the present while enjoying a delicious non-alcoholic bevvie. Try this yummy recipe for a cool and healthy good time.

Blackberry Cooler
5-6 fresh blackberries
1 thin slice of fresh ginger
3-4 fresh mint leaves plus a mint sprig for garnish
1 small lime, juiced plus 2 lime slices for garnish
4 ounces ginger kombucha (I like GT brand)
4 ounces sparkling mineral water

Combine berries, ginger, and mint in a tumbler and muddle for a minute to infuse the flavors. Add ice if desired. Add lime juice, ginger kombucha, and top off with mineral water. Garnish with the sprig of mint and lime slices. Enjoy!