Refreshing Summertime Cooler

During summer, the sun is at its highest, the days are long, the air is hot and humid (in our area).  We can love this time for the outdoor opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature, but it may also lead us to overheat.  Ayurveda, yoga’s sister practice, offers tips to keep cool.  

Wear light, comfortable clothing, do not go out in direct sun in midday, or if you do, wear a hat to cover your head and shade your eyes, enjoy activities involving water — swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking — and try this yummy lassi!  Lassi is a yogurt-drink inspired by Indian cooking.  Yogurt has beneficial enzymes to aid your digestion, keep you cool, and it pairs well with so many flavors.  This recipe is a summertime crowd pleaser.


Mint and Cinnamon Lassi
5 cups filtered water
1 cup organic plain yogurt
¾ cup raw organic sugar or sucanat
40 fresh mint leaves
1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon

Put the water, yogurt, sugar, mint leaves, and cinnamon in a blender and blend until frothy. Pour into tall glasses and garnish each serving with a dusting of cinnamon powder.
(From Eat, Taste, Heal)

Pitta is the ayurvedic constitution made from the elements fire and secondarily water. Summer is the fiery time of year, and 10am – 2pm is the fiery time of day. When we get overheated, we might experience that as heartburn, red eyes, skin rashes, irritability or anger. If any of these symptoms are occurring for you, consider sipping this Mint and Cinnamon Lassi, or even taking a cool bath with several drops of rose essential oil.

In ayurveda, the principle is that opposites balance each other. If there is too much fire, apply something cooling and soothing. In that way, heat dissipates and you will find less discomfort during the hot, dog days. If you would like a consultation regarding your constitution and appropriate habits to keep you in balance, please contact me!