Ayurveda Winter Survival Tips

Ah, winter is upon us. It is often challenging to keep spirits up during these colder months of shorter days, so I like to look toward time-tested wisdom for support during the weeks and months ahead. Here are five things to consider to maintain positive vibes for the winter-time.

1. Develop a morning routine. This sounds so simple but cannot be underestimated. Because the nights are longer at this time of year, it is natural to want to sleep a bit more. Going to bed at the same time each evening and awaking at the same time each morning helps to set your body-clock to encourage greater energy and alertness during the day. What you do when you wake up sets the tone for the rest of your day, so help yourself in the mornings! Ayurveda suggests that upon waking scrape your tongue and brush your teeth. Use a neti pot to clear out your sinuses and then practice a little yoga, meditation, or both. Drink a mug or two of hot water with lemon to prepare your digestive system for nourishment. 

2. Move your body until you sweat. Exercising to get your heart rate up is another great morning activity, but really it can be done at any time of the day. Increasing your heart rate and moving until you sweat stokes Agni, the inner fire of digestion and assimilation. When you sweat, the heat of Agni moves through each of the seven tissues, Dhatus, more thoroughly, so that you feel cleansed, energized, and refreshed. Don a warm coat and boots and get outside if you can. 

3. Eat hot foods with warming spices. Ayurveda considers winter time to be predominant with earth and water elements. These elements tend to be denser, colder, and slower, so it is easy to be lethargic during the cold months. The principle in Ayurveda is that opposite qualities will create balance. Hot foods heat up the cold earth element and move the fluids of the body. They support digestive Agni and help your body to absorb the nutrients it needs. Warming spices like ginger, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves combat the cold of winter and provide nourishment.

4. Drink hot Golden Milk. Golden Milk contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and black pepper to support your good health and pain-free living. You can use dairy or non-dairy milk for this recipe, and add a little ghee to support nutrient absorption. The optimal time to drink Golden Milk is about an hour before bedtime to help you have a good night’s rest. This stuff truly is amazing.

5. Get a massage, or give yourself a massage. If you have the opportunity, get a massage! It encourages circulation for blood and lymph and promotes relaxation on all levels. For a quick fix, give yourself an oil massage in the morning using sesame oil which has warming properties. Self oil massage is called Abhyanga in Ayurveda. Warm about 3 ounces of sesame oil by dipping the bottle in some warm water first, and then massage the oil into your skin. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes — this is a great time to practice meditation — and then shower off the excess. It is a rejuvenating practice that feels so luxurious.