Well, it’s been 10 days with only juices. The first eight was completely lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. On day 9 I eased into fresh squeezed orange juice and Day 10 was juice plus pureed soup. I was not sure I would make it. It is definitely a sense of accomplishment to set an intention and then stick to it.
I was worried I would not have enough energy to take care of the things I needed to take care of, but what happened was the things that didn’t matter, I just didn’t do. Discrimination between what is important and what is not so, viveka, is a great friend.
I was worried I would be starving. But the morning salt water flush each day took care of any hunger pangs, I really just didn’t have an appetite. Plus, leading up to this point in my life where I really wanted to do a deep cleanse had led me to a point of being bored with food, I am trying desperately to enjoy cooking more. It is such a nourishing thing to do, to make your own food. Sometimes I like it, but most of the time I feel like I don’t have time. So, during the cleanse when I did not have to prepare food, time was a luxury that I completely relished.
I was worried that my family (read: hubs) would not appreciate my efforts at self discipline and those efforts would be thwarted with teasing about food and trying to get me to eat. Instead, we ended up spending time together in a different way, talking more, being sad together at the recent unexpected death of one of our two cats, reading together on the couch, spending time together at our Community Garden plot weeding. It was nice.
So what I discovered is that setting an intention, sankalpa, is a powerful thing. Put your mind to a task and what is to hold you back? Fear? Doubts? Lack of confidence? I did not and still do not have enough energy to entertain those things.
I discovered that my other senses have a heightened awareness. I love abhyanga, self massage with oil. My skin loves abhyanga. I’ve been bringing fresh flowers from the yard into the house. The color and fragrance are real nourishment. Taking a walk in the fresh air is something to be savored.
I discovered that I am truly thankful for each bit of food that nourishes my body, thankful for the farmers who grew the food, thankful for the planet that sustains the food. Thankful.
And another thing that is fun to ponder: I feel a greater sense of connection to my fellow humans. It’s as though the normal barriers I would hold around me on the mental/emotional level have dissolved to some degree. Again, the normal anxieties like anger on the beltway or awkwardness in a social situation I just don’t have the energy for, so as I am closer to my source internally, I want to make connections with others beyond the surface level. What are you feeling today? How do you want to make light and love in this world?
Setting an intention is a powerful thing.
Next: Beyond the Garden Wall
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